
Friday, July 23, 2010

The Surprise Makeover

Denver spent a few days with his cousins in Sydney a few weeks ago. I think it was a much bigger deal for me than it was for him- it was hard to be so far away from my 'baby'. I needed something to keep myself busy while he was away (the house was suddenly so quiet)...and it seemed like the perfect chance to give Denvers room a surprise makeover. As you can see in the 'before' photo- it definitely needed it! I was limited by budget and not being able to change the walls or put hooks up (we're renting), but I'm really happy with how it all came together...

The makeover completed...well, almost. I've now added a funky silver touch lamp and photo frame to the bedside table, and a few other things. My favourite pieces; the number print and frame (just $22 for both at IKEA), the fake plant on the bookshelf, the mammoth display, and the snugly sheepskin on the floor in the 'reading' corner. Considering I was on a tight budget, I'm really happy with how it turned out. And the best part- he loves it!!!

Speaking of room makeovers, check out what my good friend Toni from Make it Perfect did with the cot we gave them after Denver grew out of it (5 years ago)- I LOVE what she has done with it, so funky!

1 comment:

  1. D's room looks great Marns...I'm feeling very inspired (and jealous that I can't pop over to Ikea!!!)

    COOL blog! I'm excited to keep tabs on you and your Mum :)

    And that page background colour is AWESOME - I think it could be my new favourite colour!!
